
The main expected results of GO-CIRCULAR project are:

– youth living in rural areas with newly acquired or reinforced key skills connected to entrepreneurship such as critical thinking and creativity as well as their forward-looking skills;

– unemployed youth with increased opportunities of self-employment and employability thanks to the relevant skills gained for exploiting potentialities offered by circular economy for coworking and start-up incubators development;

– youth with reinforced open up mindset for transnational and cross- sectoral cooperation allowing greater synergies with other professionals/workers/Start-upper and across different business and local development actors;

– youth participating to C activities with their own ideas for circular co-working and start-up incubators spaces transformed in real prototypes and offered the possibility to further develop their project thanks to the contacts created with potential investors.


Project activities results:


Сommunication and dissemination

Multiplier events (close to communication and dissemination)

IO 1 – Training programme for co-working & start-up incubators managers in the era of circular economy

IO 2 – Manual for business idea development and prototyping

IO 4 – compendium of prototypes