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6 years ago
IELAS Garumā

Latvian Television raises discussion about the faith of abandoned buildings. How can a community benefit from recreation of these spaces?

Dzirnavu ielas kopējais garums ir noteikts 3002 metri. Ielas garumā filmēšanas komanda pirmo reizi šo ielu filmēja 2009.gadā. 24.martā 18.35 LTV1 skatīsim, kas Dzirnavu ielā mainījies deviņu gadu laikā. Šobrīd kvartālā starp Strēlnieku un Antonijas ielām varam atrast Free Riga radošos iemītniekus.

6 years ago

The Slovenian experience: The importance of technology when talking about new entrepreneurial projects and start-ups. The majority of the investment that Slovenian start-ups acquired in year 2015 were dedicated to build web solutions for educations, mobility and media. And large part of this start-ups projects were born or get support in spaces for promoting entrepreneurship (incubators, tech-park, coworking, business accelerators).

6 years ago
Photos from YOUTH Re-working RURAL Project's post

The Youth Re-Working Rural project has been promoted during the ongoing workshop BAR/CO/DESIGN, a collaborative laboratory that aims to design the visual and the furnitures of a coworking space inside Barco, Urbania (Italy). The workshop's subject along with the young talents involved in it represent a good occasion to disseminate the project and get interesting feedbacks from the target group it aims to tackle.

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